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FREE – “Best of” screen saver

I, much like many of you, couldn’t have imagined when we were instructed to shelter at home two months ago that we’d be where we are as we head into the second half of May, with so many mixed messages coming from so many sources. Photographs have always had the special power to remind us…

Allow me to introduce you…

Sebastiao Salgado is one of the most prolific photographers of the last century. If you’re not already familiar with his work, you really should be. He has created some of the most powerful, haunting images that I’ve ever seen. He shares his story and some of his work in his TED talk. He’s not only…

The Art of the Print

I captured this image of a full rainbow over Cayucos, CA after a recent storm had begun clearing. The picture doesn’t begin to do the scene justice. It was easily the most vibrant, complete, longest lasting rainbow I had ever experienced in person. What you can’t tell from the picture is that there was also…